This blog is my Self Made Story. I love writing. It’s weird for me to say that because to me a writer should be academic. I’m not academic. At. All. I’m not saying one should take education lightly. I did about a decade in college… but school was never “my thing” until I was studying something I was truly interested in. I didn’t do great in high school, and that didn’t bother me too much either. I guess that’s because school never had much to do with my identity as a person. I did well enough to get into college, and that was just fine. School is not part of my story. What is my story then? Well, I can tell you that I have chosen my story carefully. I chose my story even before I ever thought of writing this blog. I’ve been shaping my story my whole life. While both happy and sad things have been pieces of my story, everything has brought positive to my life, and helped me move forward and take very little for granted. My sad times have made me sympathetic, empathetic, and have given me this ridiculous idea that it’s my job to make sure everyone ends up happy (which can be a blessing and a curse). Everyone is touched by different things, and I if there is one person out there that can relate to my writing and change one negative into a positive, my needs to help someone are satisfied. If many people can have such an experience, or just find something they like or something that makes them happy from my writing, I’m RICH!
I’ve had this blog on my mind for years now. It’s evolved many times over, and I’m sure will continue to evolve. I’m creative. That’s one thing I can say about myself that I think pretty much everyone who knows me will agree with. I’m not the most creative person ever, but the more I create, the more creative I get. It’s awesome. It fuels me. Before my idea to blog, I wanted to be a Professional Organizer. I even did it. I actually went to someone’s house that I didn’t know and they paid me to organize their kitchen. I quickly realized that while I loved to organize, I really would rather organize myself. You see, besides being creative and organized, I’m also just a little bit controlling. I feel like my “traits” don’t really “go together”, but I also feel like that is what makes me unique (I’ve got a lot more traits you’ll learn about as I write)! So, the question became, how in the world was I going to show my creativity, help people feel great, share some of my passions (organizing, shopping, domestic bliss, and random acts of kindness), while not giving up “control”? Start a blog! I can share my knowledge and my readers can take from it what they want.
I started my blog from bare bones. I didn’t know how to start a blog, I didn’t know how to build a website, I didn’t know a whole lot about social media (I’m more of a looker, not a poster). I felt the drive to learn. I researched and studied and tried things, and succeeded, and failed. My failures were nothing compared to my successes. The more I dug in, the more the mechanics of starting a blog came naturally to me. The challenge wasn’t so scary, and I began to live it. I began to live my passion! This is what I’ve been looking for! When I get positive feedback or a like on Facebook, I get a surge of energy to do more. This is how I know that this is my Self Made Story.